Personal Trainer Toronto - Andrea

Personal trainer Toronto (GTA) Andrea

Find the best personal trainer for your needs in Toronto.

If you live in the Toronto area and you are looking for a personal trainer save time and contact us we can help you to find the best trainer for your needs in Toronto.  Let Santé Active introduce you to Andrea one of our trainers in GTA.


Andrea teaches Muay Thai Kickboxing, Bootcamp, Spinning®, Kettlebell, and TRX®, in addition, to being a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach in Toronto 7 days a week! Andrea was introduced to cycling by her father when she was 14, and so began her passion for fitness. Since then, her passion for health and a demanding training regiment has been growing, opening her to new and unique physical activities.  Her dedication to fitness resulted in her first half marathon in 2010.


Very soon,  Andrea began her career as a dedicated and inspiring personal trainer in Downtown Toronto helping students to achieve their personal goals.   “Helping others to find balance and vitality through exercising is what inspires me; it is my source of happiness.” 

We help you find your personal trainer in Toronto

Contact Santé Active 1-888-923-2448

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